Authentication Providers

Authentications providers are an optional component or base component provided by the reporting-core. They are designed for 2 purposes:

  • Mapping Reports to Users (via groups)
  • Restricting the users of the system to users who are allowed to access the product

There are a couple of existing Authentication providers, and planned Authentication providers: (As of 1.4)

Authentication ProviderAs of releaseDescription
File Authentication Provider0Uses plain old YAML files to determine who has access to what reports. See below for details
Rest Authentication Provider1.1Allows for an external REST endpoint for Kagura to use for authentication. Basically outsourcing the authentication.
Hybrid Authentication Provider1.1Allows for you to mix and match authentication methods. Such as if you want the users to be specified from a Rest end point, however the actual group to reports mappings to be done by the File Authentication Provider you would use this.
Encrypted File Authentication ProviderTodo

Like File Authentication Provider, but uses encrypted passwords


JDBC/JNDI Authentication ProviderTodoAuthentication via database
JaaS Authentication ProviderTodoUses JaaS to provide authentication
Groovy Authentication ProviderTodoAn authentication provider that uses code to determine if the user is authenticated, probably for arbitrary integrations

File Authentication Provider

The file Authentication provider expects to see 2 files in the reports directory: users.yaml and groups.yaml. These are 2 very simply formatted files:

  • users.yaml contains a list of: username, password, and an array of group names
  • groups.yaml contains a list of: group names, with an array of report ids


- { username: "testuser", password: "testuserpass", groups: ["test reports"] }
- { username: "tu2", password: "tup2", groups: ["test reports2"] }
- { groupname: "test reports", reports: [ "fake1" ] }
- { groupname: "test reports2", reports: [ "fake2", "groovytest" ] }

Rest Authentication Provider

The rest authentication provider requires a URL to be provided. The REST Authentication provider will be superseded by a more secure version. This version is designed to be protected. Your REST end point that you point it at must export the following methods:

GET /echo
- Query Param: message
Echos the message passed to it. Used to test the server.
GET /users
Parameters: None
Returns a list of users, with the username and the groups the user is in.
GET /groups
Parameters: None
Returns a list of groups and their reports
GET /login
- Post Data: JSON Map of "username" and "password"
Returns ok if the username and password are correct.
import java.util.Map;
public interface MyAuth {
    public String echo(@QueryParam("message") @DefaultValue("No message= found.") String message);

    public Object users();

    public Object groups();

    public String login(Map<String,String> input);

Hybrid Authentication Provider

Allows you to mix two authentication providers. You specify one for the groups and one for the user.